Welcome to "Not a House but a Home"!

This is a project meant to serve as a tool to promote and encourage spatial thinking and social-emotional learning (SEL) in an online learning environment. While the following activities were created by us and are not necessarily approved spatial thinking and SEL curricula, they were based on existing activities. We hope this can serve as a foundation for further strengthening students' skills and interest in these areas. Enjoy!

(Please note that there is currently a bug in one of the programs used to make this that makes the house activity not work. If this happens to you, you will have to refresh the page and try again.)

map of the town


Hi there! I'm Whiskers Fluffikins and this is my brother Mister Fluffikins. We just moved here! Our great uncle's mother's daughter's second cousin twice removed recently passed and left us a plot of land. A friendly local already marked our map — see that red 'X'? That's where the land is. Unfortunately, all these one-way streets are giving us a headache. Would you be so kind as to be our guide and help us get there?

(You arrive at an empty plot of land with Whiskers and Mister Fluffikins.)


Thank you so much for helping out! Can we get your help once more? See, we would really love to build our dream house here! We already know what we want it to look like and we've even begun drawing up a blueprint!


Could you help us build our house?


Don't worry! We just need a third person to help guide us with the blueprint. We'll do all the heavy lifting, promise! Please help us?


Hm? But weren't you already out and about when we ran into you?


We already placed the front door for you. Can you believe Whiskers wants it to be purple?


To start with, we need a back door. My brother insists that it must be black.


We'd also like a window that wraps around the side of the house.


Lovely! Just one last detail. Mister thinks this is just silly, but I think the house would look wonderful with some decorative painting. A large diagonal across one side of the house and up onto the roof should make things look nice!


Done! Wait just a minute... look at our house! It's all mostly just one color!


Fish sticks. You have that black back door, brother. And if I do say so myself, it sure sticks out like a sore thumb! This is why I wanted it in lavendar.

Whiskers and Mister

What do you think?


Exactly! Wait, but it's not all one color.


Exactly! But why do you think I'm right?


I suppose you're right! We can always repaint.


Well, I know I can't wait to furnish our house. I'm going to make my room sea-themed.


I've always wanted a bird-themed room. And because we built this house together, it's even more special for me because I know that it's a product of both our hard work!

Whiskers and Mister

And thank YOU, for helping us build our house and sorting out our sibling quarrels!

(Click on "View Completed House" to see the finished model. Interact with the completed house to find the feature that the Fluffikins want, then click on "Continue Placing Pieces" to return to the blueprint. Click where you think the feature should be placed, and if it is correct the wall will appear. Otherwise, try to place in another spot.

If the features are not placing on any of the walls, please try refreshing the page. You will lose all progress.)